Last week I got the great opportunity to present on Method-GAPP again at the UKOUG 2011 (see presentation of the UKOUG2011). This time the focus in the presentation was partly on the multi linear regression and for the other part especially on AWR data. The multi linear regression makes it possible to get a linear equation to calculate the end user response time, what makes it possible to get a complete breakdown of all involved components in the end user response time as show in the graph below. In the graph the test and modelling from the white paper is shown:
In the breakdown, the UTILR80 is the utilization of the I/O and the UTILRAU is the utilization of the CPU. The breakdown shows that basically the REST is time which is always there but might be split out in more components if the involved model is enhanced. So more time is explained from the found variance of the end-user (R) response time. Continue reading