I am Gerwin Hendriksen from Holland, 39 years old and through the years I have specialized in all kind of performance issues and high availability. I have started to work at Dedicate (later Parity Solutions) in Holland and after that I joined Oracle (first as support RDBMS analist, later as advanced resolutions engineer specialized in E-Business Suite and RAC (also the content lead world wide on Oracle Metalink)). After my 5 years at Oracle I joined IBM. After this period of 2 years I started to work for AMIS for 3 years, after that I worked for 2,5 years for IT-eye, now I am employed by codecentric.
In my work career I worked much with Oracle E-Business Suite, BI reporting and capacity planning for big systems. A lot in the light of performance and high availability. Since a long time I am looking into database statistics and system statistics. Also applications like JD-Edwards and SAP have become more known to me, although I have still to learn much in these areas.
March 2008 I introduced at the HOTSOS sysmposium a new presentable performance methodology called “Method-GAPP” (see history tab). This method makes smart use of underlying queuing models and together with some data mining technique it makes it possible to find performance bottlenecks in very complex architectures without actually tracing any part of the infrastructure, even very detailed information (eg. which SQL (database server), java heap size (application server), etc.) can be found out it the method is used at is full capacity. The results are very reliable and have been proven in practical situations. A white paper can be downloaded in the download section. Please check on continuous base if a new version of the white paper is there, of course I will blog about it if there is.
If you want to contact me, you can always reach me on:
g e r w i n . h e n d r i k s e n @ g m a i l . c o m