Wednesday 10th, December 2008
Miracle MasterClass with the ORACLE PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS — Cary Millsap and Jeff Holt –, 20-21-22 Jan 2009
NL Versie
Wilt u meer leren over hoe u uw Oracle Database beten kan laten performen?
Met veel trots kan Miracle Benelux aankondigen dat Cary Millsap en Jeff Holt van Method-R naar Nederland komen om hun Oracle Performance MasterClass te geven. De kosten voor deze MasterClass bedraagt 1599 Euro. Echter ontvangers van deze mail kunnen boeken met een aantrekkelijke “kredietcrisis” korting van 300 euro.
Voer in het registratie formulier bij opmerkingen in –> Mailaanbieding. Dan kunt u deelnemen aan de MasterClass voor maar 1299 euro . Deze mailaanbieding is geldig t/m 29 december 2008. Als u ook erbij wilt zijn kunt u via onze website registreren of de agenda bekijken Agenda MasterClass 2009 » Voertaal bij de Masterclass is Engels. Lees meer »
Englisch version
Do you want to learn how to get your Oracle Database to perform better?
Miracle Benelux is proud to present that Cary Millsap and Jeff Holt from Method-R are coming to the Netherlands to give their Oracle performance MasterClass . The costs for this MasterClass will be 1599 Euro. However receivers from this email can book with a very nice creditcrisis discount of 300 euro. To get this discount enter in the field “opmerkingen” in the registration form –> Maildiscount. Then you can join us for the nice price of 1299 euro . This mail offer is only valid until 29 of december 2008. If you want to be there and join us for a great MasterClass then register through our website or Click here for the registration form. The form is in Dutch if you encounter any problem just email us at and we will help you! Read More »
Quote from a former student of Cary and Jeff
In 2002 (June 11-13), I took the Hotsos class taught by Jeff Holt and Cary Millsap and am very interested to see them teaching together again. In the past 6 years I have benefitted tremendously from what I learned.
What is Method R?
Method R is a fast, effective, commonsense approach to optimizing a system. It was first documented in the book Optimizing Oracle Performanceby Method R founding members Cary Millsap and Jeff Holt. Read More about Method-R»